Marvel Strike Force

ISO-8 l SyncPvP l Costumes l Game Icons l Key Art
Draft screen UX/UI layout
UI layout concept
UI Skinning
Icon creation
Unity implementation
Texture Packer
A new mode that allows a player to challenge other players to real-time, synced PvP Battles. Each player brings his or her own roster and engages in a draft to determine which five characters are making the walk to the battlefield.
Rather than playing against the A.I and simply choosing the most powerful attack available to the player, Sync PvP encourages players to be creative and strategic with their own roster, which will bring a new experience to the combat system.

Sync PvP Draft UI/UX
Work in conjunction with game designer and visualize screen layouts. Able to see both player and opponent's character selection screen was the unique part of this feature. Each player selects a character to ban from each other's roster, then the character selection in the combat follows.

Sync PvP Draft UI/UX variations
Taking the strongest exploration from sketches and polishing to adhering to the established art style.

Draft UX layout exploration sketches
Taking both 2D and 3D character presentation as an account. Designed layout so character selection for both players and roster are presented, as well as the content which displayed banned characters.

Battle type select Modal
A player can challenge another player from your alliance chat or friends list. Once a player accepts your challenge, a modal will appear to chose multiple battle type. Each battle type will include specific status restriction which allows players to play various strategies.

Results UX/UI
An interactive results which provides the summary at the end of the combat. The results screen includes which side has won, each player's power value and the total damage did each side gave. Characters used in the combat appears on each side with its status.